Hidden Viruses and Purifying the Blood.

Hidden Viruses and Purifying the Blood.



Dr Zelenko spoke at great length about hidden viruses that can remain in the system long after an initial infection—completely undetected and without any symptoms.


That is, until RE-ACTIVATED.  


These viruses—otherwise known as ‘latent' or ‘dormant’ viruses—can be triggered by viral infections (ie. influenza or covid), trauma, stress or a weakened immune system, and may include Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Varicella Zoster Virus (Shingles), Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and Cytomegalovirus (CMV).  


According to a study published by Frontiers in Immunology, the number one symptom that may indicate a dormant virus has become re-activated is CHRONIC FATIGUE. With millions of Americans struggling with this condition—which has been described by Harvard Health as ‘bone deep exhaustion not eased by rest’—this is a call from the body that must not be ignored.  


Dr Nikole M. Scalera, M.D., an infectious disease specialist based in Ohio, states,  


'Latency is a survival strategy some viruses use to stay alive and spread. Latent viruses remain in the body and enter a latent phase, where the virus is inactive and does not actively replicate. Then, later on—many years, in some cases—the virus can come out of hiding and undergo a reactivation phase where it begins to replicate and infect cells, causing a repeat infection. The secondary infection can range from mild with minimal symptoms to lifelong problems.’


Support The Body In Clearing Dormant Viruses

Through Dr Zelenko’s medical expertise and extensive research, he created Z-Dtox™—a non-pharmaceutical formulation which assists the body in removing harmful elements and dormant viruses from the tissues and bloodstream.


Through a unique combination of all-natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including EGCG, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), vitamin D3, vitamin C and zinc, the body’s immune system and detoxification processes are effectively supported. This is in large part due to a highly effective compound that is gaining more and more recognition.


This supplement is NAC—otherwise known as N-Acetyl cysteine.    


So Effective The FDA Wanted Exclusive Rights

It was only in the past couple of years that the FDA attempted to exclude NAC from their definition of ‘dietary supplement’. An attempt which came with one primary goal:


To reclassify it as a drug.  


And if the FDA was successful in their attempts, they would have gained exclusive rights to this powerful antioxidant. An antioxidant with the demonstrated ability to help fight free radicals, clear bacterial and viral infections, break down mucus, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. All enormously important in helping the body fight dormant viruses which can negatively impact health—often without our awareness as to the cause.  


The good news?  


Due to a citizen petition filed with the FDA, this process was put on pause.


We hope, for good.  


And as a peer review process comes to completion, NAC is no longer undergoing a reclassification at this time. A testament to the importance of speaking up and challenging big pharma.  


With Dr Zelenko's focus on the importance of clearing ‘silent’ viruses from the body in order to restore health, we present this case as to reinforce why NAC is one of the top ingredients in Z-Dtox™. In combination with EGCG—a major catechin found in green tea and also a top ingredient in Z-Dtox™—studies show that NAC is even more effective at fighting both active and dormant infections.


NAC for Chronic Inflammation

Just like chronic fatigue, chronic inflammation is also a common symptom which may indicate there is an underlying health problem such as an infection that has become re-activated. Chronic inflammation results when the immune system reacts to injury or infection. If either are not resolved, what is intended to be a short-term bodily response, becomes a chronic response. This can lead to tissue damage and scar tissue. Studies show, chronic inflammation may also be a precursor to cancer if not resolved.


Some viruses, such as Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), can lead to system inflammation even if the virus has seemingly cleared. Often, the connection between the two is not apparent, and as a result, the underlying dormant virus goes unaddressed.


A study conducted by the National Health Institute states,


Inflammation following infection is a common complication, particularly after certain viral infections and occasionally bacterial. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a notable contributor to inflammatory post-viral disease.’


The same study also concluded the following,


These data support the idea that NAC could be considered as a treatment to alleviate chronic inflammatory pathologies, including post-viral disease.’

 Read Full Study Here.


In support of this conclusion, a second National Institute of Health Study also stated the following in their results,


NAC can also boost the immune system, suppress viral replication, and reduce inflammation.‘

 Read Full Study Here.


With such demonstrated effectiveness, it comes as no surprise that the FDA attempted to gain exclusive rights to this sought after supplement.  


As For A Bonus Benefit?  

As spoken at great length by Dr Zelenko, NAC also helps to reduce the risk of blood clots—something that is important for all of us during these unique times.  


Check out this short video clip of Dr Zelenko speaking to the many health benefits of this extraordinary antioxidant.


In Summary  

May we all be discerning in accepting profit-driven claims that viruses cannot be cleared from the body. Instead, affirm the truth, which we have shared in the past as spoken by many great healers of the world:  





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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products and information in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professionals. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Read all product documentation. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular health care provider. 


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